When First-Line Treatment Fails
Cancer clinical trials save lives, drive innovation, and improve the quality of care for future generations. But for patients and caregivers going through cancer, they
Find hope and inspiration from cancer survivors and caregivers as they share the stories of their personal experiences with cancer.
Cancer clinical trials save lives, drive innovation, and improve the quality of care for future generations. But for patients and caregivers going through cancer, they
Cancer clinical trials save lives, drive innovation, and improve the quality of care for future generations. But for patients and caregivers going through cancer, they
Cancer clinical trials save lives, drive innovation, and improve the quality of care for future generations. But for patients and caregivers going through cancer, they
Discover the story of Rachelle and her “pilgrimage” with triple negative breast cancer, gratitude, and guidance for the newly diagnosed.
Cancer survivors and family members share the advice they’d give a friend who’d recently received a diagnosis.
Cancer survivors and family members share the advice they’d give a friend who’d recently received a diagnosis.
It’s said that experience makes the best teacher. If that’s true – Support Volunteer Julie is ready to teach a masterclass.
Life lessons and practical tips from a testicular cancer survivor.
Cancer survivors from Stony Brook Southampton Hospital share life lessons as part of peer mentor training.
Many people who undergo chemotherapy as a treatment for cancer experience hair loss. While this can be a cause of distress, there is something to remember: bald is beautiful.
Access to care for patients living far from treatment centers or medical centers can be a challenge for rural cancer patients. Anal cancer survivor Terry shares her story.
Having cancer or caring for someone with cancer is extremely hard. Parenting young children while navigating cancer can be nearly impossible.
This week, we trained an incredible group of new volunteers – All of whom had hope in their hearts and beat the odds.
Each day, during Cancer Survivor Month and throughout the year, CHN’s cancer survivors and cancer caregivers create hope by providing peer support for people facing cancer across the nation.
Pets are responsible for so much love and joy in people’s lives and sometimes, our good bois and gurls are also a huge factor in providing hope when we need it most – the dark days of cancer
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