Ben Franklin once said that there’s “No better relation than a prudent and faithful friend.” He could have been describing longtime CHN volunteer Edward Carlucci.
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Attendees at CHN fundraising events will recognize Eddie’s smiling face and ability to convince anyone and everyone to take part in the cork pull or donate on the Tee of hole #10 during the golf outing. Eddie has been part of the CHN Golf Classic since the mid-90s. “I think at the time, I played as part of one of AT&T’s many foursomes. And that was the beginning of being introduced to volunteering for both golf and gala.”

While an employee at AT&T he also began his decades-long tradition of helping the organization in the most practical ways possible, at times gaining access to surplus furniture, computer & supplies, that CHN needed. “It was just a little extra that would help the organization.”
When he left AT&T and continued to work for other companies in the Telecommunications space, his relationship continued to deepen. He’s sponsored golf foursomes and gala tables, hosted volunteer trainings in his office conference room and marshalled connections to provide IT support. He’s even been found moving boxes around or dropping off the occasional treat to the CHN offices. “When the Golf Outing comes up, I’m still at hole number 10, enjoying the day with the CHN supporters”

His recruitment has paid off. “I’ve brought a lot of other supporters to Cancer Hope Network, people who have stayed for many years,” he recalls. “Some have contributed, some have become volunteers, some have done both.”
eddie (1) (1)His recruiting pitch is simple, “Volunteering can be a simple thing to do, many times without significant effort,” he tells friends and colleagues when asking for their help. It takes commitment to the cause, and that to me means you have CHN in your head all the time, ready for the opportunity to help.  “It’s very rewarding to be part of an organization that has a significant impact on other peoples lives.”

“Eddie is a dear friend and incredibly valued part of the CHN family,” says Executive Director Wanda Diak. “His focus on finding new advocates for CHN, providing practical help and event manpower has helped the organization grow and thrive through the years.”

Eddie Carlucci with CHN Executive Director Wanda Diak. circa 2007